Thank you for following up. I did get a bit of help on the Swift Forums. Not a solution but at least to know I’m not missing anything, and a means of partially hiding the warnings: here.
An AttributedString field on a @Model class similarly results in Unexpected type for CompositeAttribute: Guts
That flag, -symbol-graph-minimum-access-level private, works well in non-packages too. Added to XCode 14 Project settings
Build Settings
Swift Compiler - Custom Flags
the Documentation window now shows all private members of a Framework target.
However …
My real goal is to have auto-completion and symbol links function within code comments. And they still do not. It’s as if the editor is using an internal version of .doccarchive that still has only public members of my Frameworks.
If I type `` or <doc: in a /// comment I only get suggestions for public members. And if I manually enter a private symbol, I only get the “?” for its documentation. It’s a dead link.
Any ideas on how I can have the editor see the same thing that Developer Documentation does?